1.   He said Mr Say was not considered to pose a threat to anyone other than himself.

2.   Jews are not considered to pose a risk, the daily said.

3.   Jews are not considered to pose a risk, the newspaper said.

4.   Iran, Iraq, Libya and North Korea are now considered to pose such a threat.

v. to pose >>共 69
continue 14.58%
appear 9.82%
expect 8.04%
believe 5.95%
seem 5.95%
refuse 3.57%
have 3.57%
try 2.98%
begin 2.68%
agree 2.38%
consider 1.19%
consider to v. >>共 147
be 78.11%
have 9.37%
replace 0.47%
provide 0.35%
represent 0.35%
help 0.29%
hold 0.23%
belong 0.23%
pose 0.23%
constitute 0.17%
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